2025年2月28日 星期五

> 艺术 >

2021年恭贺新春代表人物 中国新时代著名书法家——毛学校

2021-01-04 09:35 来源:综合


毛学校,字敬之,号清斋主人,山东广饶人,现住山东滨州市。系中国书协会员、中华诗词、中国楹联协会会员,中国书画艺术指导委员会委员,北京世纪名人国际书画院院士,北京京华阁书画院常务理事,香港书协副会长,山东滨州市书协顾问,黄河三角洲书画院常务副院长,山东曲阜鸿儒书画院常务副院长,有诗集《清河集》《清斋诗墨》、书法《第三届中国重阳奖获奖书法家》《一代大家》毛学校专刊,《一带一路书法名家毛学校》等作品问世。2019年,中国书协授于毛学校同志为"德艺双馨艺术家“,2020年9月经文旅部、外交部批准发行《一带一路 国家名片 新时代艺术大师 毛学校 黄永玉 靳尚谊》书画集,在一带一路沿线国家发行。11月,毛学校的两幅书法作品被耶鲁大学英国艺术中心收藏。同月,中央广播电视总台播发《继承中国文化 发扬国粹精神一一时代艺术名家毛学校》。中国书画职称评定中心等三单位授于毛学校为《人民艺术家》《国家一级艺术大师》称号。


Mao school, named Jingzhi, is the master of qingzhai. He is from Guangrao, Shandong Province. Now he lives in Binzhou, Shandong Province. He is a member of Chinese Calligraphy Association, Chinese Poetry Association, Chinese couplet Association, member of Chinese painting and calligraphy art Steering Committee, academician of Beijing Century Celebrity International Painting and Calligraphy Academy, executive director of Beijing jinghuage painting and Calligraphy Academy, vice president of Hong Kong Calligraphy Association, consultant of Shandong Binzhou Calligraphy Association, executive vice president of Yellow River Delta painting and Calligraphy Academy, executive vice president of Shandong Qufu Hongru painting and Calligraphy Academy China's "one belt, one road," Mao school, "the third Dynasties" Chinese calligraphy Award "calligraphers", "the Qing Dynasty Zhai Yang poetry and ink", calligraphy "the Chinese Chung Yang award award calligrapher", "one road Book Master Mao school" and other works came out. China name card one belt, one road, one belt, one road, 9 years ago, was issued by the Chinese calligraphic Association, which was issued by the Chinese Calligraphy Association for the "art and art lovers'" in 2020, the Ministry of foreign affairs and the Ministry of foreign affairs in 2020. The book of "new art master Mao school Huang Yongyu Jin Shangyi" is published in the area along the route. In November, two of Mao school's calligraphy works were collected by Yale University's British Art Center. In the same month, China Central Radio and television broadcast "inheriting Chinese culture and carrying forward the spirit of national quintessence - Mao school, a famous artist of the times". Chinese painting and calligraphy Title Evaluation Center and other three units awarded Mao school the title of "people's artist" and "national first-class art master".

Mr. Mao Xiaoxue is also very accomplished in poetry creation. In 2008, his poetry was selected into the collection of works of the second Chinese poetry award. In 2010, 14 poems were included in Qilu poetry anthology. In 2016, 20 poems were selected into Shandong volume of integration compiled by Chinese poetry society.














