2025年2月28日 星期五

> 艺术 >

守文化之重 创时代之新 中华优秀传统文化艺术家——刘玉栋

2020-11-04 11:35 来源:综合


刘玉栋,字七子,号九东,笔名栋枫,1942年生于荣成。大本学历,中共党员,军转干部。中国书法创作师、指导师,国家高级书法家。系中国文化遗产保护研究院学术委员、书画委员,中国文化联合资源中心副主席,中国书法美术名家网高级书画顾问,中国书画艺术名家网高级艺术顾问,中国国际艺术网终身艺术顾问,中国网教中心艺术部、中国教育联盟艺术教育客座教授,中华国礼出版社终身荣誉社长,法兰西皇家美术学院艺术学博士、皇家首席艺术家,英格兰皇家艺术基金会永久学术顾问,世界书画艺术评介协会评委,联合国和平书画院终身院士。应邀在国内外书画大赛及名家名作展中荣获“全国首届五体书法”大赛金奖,“金樱花奖”,“国际金奖”,“金紫荆艺术奖”,“中国文艺泰斗终身成就奖”,“联合国国际英伦奖”,“世界孔子文学艺术奖”金奖,“世界华人最敬仰领袖奖”,“中美国际艺术交流名家名作展”金奖,“首届国际艺术家金马奖”,2015联合国中华文化交流大会“中华文化突出贡献奖”特别金奖,中国国际艺术节《金猴奖.终身成就奖》、“世界文艺精英赛金奖”等。被授予“共和国杰出文艺家”,"中国文艺泰斗",“国际知名文艺家”,“首届感动中国文化人物”,联合国国际文化艺术总署委员会2012年度特授予“最高艺术传承人物”,“2013.感动世界年度人物”,“联合国中华文化传播大使”,“《大国艺术》传承代表人物”,“十大国宝级艺术家”,美中文化产业节“国际艺术泰斗”,“2019共和国功勋文艺家”,《厉害了我的国.辉煌中国》国礼珍藏册荣誉主编,“共和国70华诞艺术奖.孔子奖章”,“世界瑰宝艺术家”,“世界殿堂级艺术家”,“新时代文艺领袖人物”,"世界文艺复兴功勋人物"等荣誉称号。入编《大国艺术》、《世界当代书画艺术名家博览》(联合国图书馆已收藏),《厉害了我的国.辉煌中国》国礼珍藏册(封面人物),《古今大师扇面集粹》(封面人物),《中国书法.隶书大典 隶书宗师八大家》(封面人物),《国魂国艺大家艺术珍品鉴赏》,《全国诗书画代表人物》、《影响世界50位艺术巨匠》、《百年中法传世经典》、辉煌巨著《新时代文艺经典.名家名作集》(封面人物)等百余部。

Liu Yudong was born in 1942 in Rongcheng, under the pen name Dong Feng. College degree, Communist Party member, military to cadre. Chinese calligrapher, instructor, national senior calligrapher. He is a member of the academic committee of the Chinese Academy of Cultural Heritage Protection, a member of the calligraphy and painting committee, vice-chairman of the China Culture Joint Resource Center, a senior adviser of the Chinese calligraphy and painting network, a senior artistic adviser of the calligraphy and painting network, life-long art consultant of China International Art Network, visiting professor of Art Department of China Internet Education Center and China Education Alliance, Honorary President of China National Gift Publishing House, doctor of Fine Arts of the Royal Academy of Arts, chief artist of the Royal Family, Permanent Academic Advisor of the Royal Foundation for the Arts of England, Judge of the World Association for the Review of the art of calligraphy and painting, and life member of the United Nations Peace Academy of Calligraphy and painting. He was invited to win the Gold Award in the National First five-body calligraphy competition, the Golden Cherry Blossom Award, the International Gold Award, the Golden Bauhinia Art Award and the Lifetime Achievement Award of the Chinese literary and Art Masters, "United Nations International Prize for Britain" , "World Confucius Prize for literature and Art" , "World Chinese most admired leader award" , "china-us International Art Exchange Exhibition of famous works" , "First International Golden Horse Award for artists" , the Special Gold Award for outstanding contribution of Chinese culture at the 2015 United Nations Cultural Exchange Conference; the Golden Monkey Award for lifetime achievement at the China International Arts Festival; and the Gold Award at the world literary and arts elite competition. He has been awarded the title of "Outstanding Writer and artist of the Republic" , "renowned writer and artist of China" , "the first Chinese cultural figure touched" , and the 2012 annual special award of the United Nations International General Administration of Culture and art, "the highest figure of Artistic Heritage" , "2013. Touching the world's man of the year, " "The United Nations ambassador for the dissemination of Chinese culture, " "art of a great nation, " "top ten national treasure artists, " "international art champion, " "2019 Republic meritorious artists, " Honorary editor-in-chief of the collection of national gifts, "The 70th anniversary of the Republic. The Confucius Medal. " , "The world treasure artist" , "the world class artist" , "the new era of literary and artistic leaders" , "the World Renaissance Meritorious figure" and other honorary titles. He has been included in the art of great powers, World Exhibition of Contemporary Calligraphic Artists (in the collection of the United Nations Library) , and the book of gifts for China (cover figure) , "Collection of ancient and modern master Fan" (cover figure) , "Chinese calligraphy. Official script ceremony, eight masters of official script" (cover figure) , "The soul of the country, the art of the people, the appreciation of art treasures. " "National Representative Figures of poetry, calligraphy and painting" , "impact of the world's 50 art masters" , "a century of Chinese and French classics" , the brilliant masterpiece "new era literary classics. Famous works collection" (cover figures) and more than 100.

